Accessibility is a choice

Claire Dellar talks about her experience of using assistive technology and explains how other people’s choices not to prioritise accessibility affect her.

I spend a lot of time in conversations that start something like this:

“I’m really sorry I can’t fill in that report, it’s not accessible to me. Can you send it in another format?”

People with HIV can be sperm and egg donors
UK laws have changed to keep up with the science that shows it can be safe.
People with HIV can be sperm and egg donors
UK laws have changed to keep up with the science that shows it can be safe.
People with HIV can be sperm and egg donors
UK laws have changed to keep up with the science that shows it can be safe.
More hospitals leaving patients in corridors to free up ambulances
A new policy sees people treated in NHS hospital corridors as admissions outstrip beds.
Millions more middle-aged are obese, study suggests
Using a new, lower BMI cut-off for obesity would give a truer picture of who is affected, researchers say.