Vision, Mission & Values

We are a team of dedicated professionals, ready to do what ever it takes to make our clients live independently in their homes.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide our service users with safe, effective, well-led, responsive and reliable care. We believe in focussing on improving health outcomes, preventing disease, and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals and communities.

Our Mission

At Thorizon Care Ltd our mission is to deliver the most excellent care and support required by our service users by individualising, and recognising their human rights, their diversity and their personal values.

Consistency of Purpose

We formulate long term plans, and from them short terms plans. Resources will be allocated to long term plans.

Best Practices

We recognise that commonly accepted levels of service satisfaction are no longer acceptable, and as such, we commit iourselves to researching best practices and continuous improvement to achieve that level of excellence.


Quality assurance, based on continuous improvement principles, leads to responsibility for quality services being shouldered by all employees.


We are constantly improving our systems for planning and service delivery, through the promotion of innovative technologies.

Continuous Improvement

Employees, including managers, are encouraged to constantly update and improve their skills, by modern on-the-job methods, inclusive of participating in mandatory training and refresher programmes as well as Continuous Professional Development.


We encourage open and honest communication between all stakeholders. This fosters a spirit of togetherness to allows us to work meticuously for each patient.