Entries by NHS Digital

Using content types to transform the NHS website

How do you make sure all content is user-centred, accessible, safe and accurate when your product is one of the largest and most used health websites in the world? Mark Robinson, Senior Content Designer, explains our approach.

Things have changed a lo...

Helping people think straight about alcohol

David Evans, content designer for the Register with a GP surgery service, says it’s difficult to get accurate answers about people’s smoking and alcohol consumption – and explains what the team is doing to improve the way people assess their intake.


A new way to find patients

Darren Hickling describes NHS Digital’s role in developing a platform to identify the highest risk COVID-19 patients so they could receive life-saving antiviral treatments.  

As COVID-19 emerged and treatment options were limited, pharmaceut...

How to jump into the cloud

Neil Gibbs, Cloud Engagement Lead at NHS Digital, says we need more NHS organisations to migrate to the cloud and explains what help is available.

The benefits of migrating services from on-premise data centres to the cloud are clear. Cloud hosting is...

What we have learned about retiring APIs

Business analyst Matthew Firth gives an update on what NHS Digital has been doing to progress the API ‘sunsetting’ strategy to retire some of our APIs over the last year. 

Last year we published our blog ‘What happens when we ‘sunset’ our APIs?’ ...

One giant step for secure data access

Michael Chapman, Director of Research and Clinical Trials at NHS Digital, talks about our new Secure Data Environment and explains how it is making research into life-saving treatments easier and faster.

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we buil...

What is public benefit?

Dr Nicola Byrne, the National Data Guardian, outlines new guidance to support better public benefit evaluations. 

Many of us share a ‘big picture’ vision: better health and care outcomes for everyone through the safe, appropriate and ethical use ...